Practical Prospectus Photography Tips
Note: this is a stock image, we avoid using customer images on our website. If you would like to view samples of our photography please get in touch.
There is no doubt that good quality professional photography contributes significantly to any school prospectus or marketing campaign. To help customers make the most of their photo shoot we've put together a few of our top tips for successful prospectus photography.
We find that we can produce fantastic images through a reportage style of photography, capturing genuine and spontaneous responses and expressions, rather than staged or posed images, so there is no need to pre-plan the very fine details.
It's crucial to have a variety of images available, both in terms of the area of the school/curriculum covered and the students and staff featured. Generally speaking using a small group of students for all of the shots is not a good idea.
You will have some students in the school whose parents haven't consented to their photos being used in the prospectus, ensure you know who these students are and if possible identify them with a coloured sticker so the photographer knows to avoid them.
Plan a schedule to ensure that all key aspects of the school are covered during the day, certain activities such as science experiments and PE will require time to set-up so we will have a limited window in which we can capture these images. Other areas such as general classroom shots can be captured in between.
Create a check list of the areas that you would like to cover (both of the school and the curriculum) so we can be sure not to miss anything on the day.
Think about which areas of the school photograph well (and not so well). Natural light is important, so if you know some classrooms or areas of the school are particularly dark or artificially lit they are probably best avoided.
Remind everyone the day before to ensure that students and staff are dressed appropriately and looking smart, also remind those taking part in sport to bring the correct kit (including PE staff).
Try to arrange to have a couple of spare ties handy on the day for students who have 'forgotten' theirs - clip on ties are ideal if available as they're so quick to attach and remove, if jumpers are compulsory uniform arrange to have a couple of those available too.
Make the most of the occasion and arrange for senior staff to be available for informal portrait photos, even if you don't include them in the prospectus you could put them on the website or in reception.